Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2-Year Old Wisdom

"See 'da butterfly daddy?"
"No Jackson, that's a fly."
"No, dats a butterfly!"
"No, you know what a butterfly is. That's a fly."

And so our conversation goes, as long as I will let it. Our son gets something stuck in his little 2-year old mind and there it becomes cemented. Most of the time these conversations are nothing more than him testing my patience...or consistency.

But other times I think he legitimately gets confused about the proper names for things. Then we can reason through (as much as is possible with a 2-year old) and come to the correct designation. I know my son and I know 2-year olds. While I don't remember being 2 years old myself I have been around a lot of 2-year olds and know their developmental process.

I wonder how God must feel sometimes with my reasoning. I mean, He has the same kind of conversation with me from time to time (not literally, of course, but through His word and to some extent through others around me).

I get something stuck in my mind - an attitude, a selfish desire, a rebellious intent - and there it becomes cemented.

God says, "That's not a good decision."
But I say, "No, it'll be okay."
Then God says, "You know what the right decision is because I have shown you through my Son and numerous other examples."
Then I become more stubborn and say, "NO, I don't want to change." And my little 2-year old comes out.

And yet, God chose to create us in His image. Praise God for that!

I am so thankful that God loves me and knows me inside out. After all, he made me.
God has not only been two years old (think about that one) but he has also been around a lot of 2-year olds and knows their developmental process.

Take a moment to read Psalm 8:1-9.

"Thank you, Lord, for your patience with me as I am reminded to trust you and your Holy Word."

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cover Up

I was thirsty. And tired. So, I needed something that would not only give me a boost but also quench my thirst. I put $1 in the machine, made my selection (Vault is the available drink of choice for these situations), and waited with great anticipation for the "ker-plunk" at the bottom of the machine.

Finally, it dropped and I pushed my hand through the maximum security door at the bottom of the machine. And you know what?

The machine dropped SPRITE! Someone put the wrong item in the wrong section!

I fully anticipated that a Vault would drop when I pushed the "Vault" button.

Shouldn't we expect the ingredients to match the label? Jesus does...

Jesus got so upset at a fig tree that was blooming (which for all intents and purposes indicates it is in fruit) because he found it to be barren of fruit. It wasn't what it professed to be. So he taught his disciples a lesson about hypocrisy and deceit. Mark 11:12-17

See, the religious leaders of Jesus' day professed to be men of God but in the end they were self-serving hypocrites.

What label are you wearing?
  • Kind
  • Patient
  • Loving
  • Honest
  • Faithful
  • Trustworthy
Does your label match your contents? What do people anticipate about you? Better yet, what does God expect of you?