Wednesday, August 26, 2009


For those who do not golf a "mulligan" is the term used for a retake shot, usually after your first one has gone errant. It's like hitting the reset button. It's a do-over.

Okay. So I got up this morning not feeling very well. Sinus stuff starting and the cough is settling in for a drawn-out visit. The first thing on my mind was how tired I felt. Run-down. Shower - shave - dress - the entire time my mind was off thinking about
  • All of the tasks I need to complete over the next few days.
  • The commitments I have made that I am pressed to fulfill.
  • The people I need to contact.
  • The repairs that need to be made.
  • The yard that needs to be mowed.
  • The studying I need to do
  • The...
Then my mind is defibrillated from its frantic and erratic path of non-productivity by the faint, yet familiar, sounds coming from the bedroom...

"I got 'da joey, joey, joey, joey, dow in 'na hart - where?..."

I'll take a mulligan on this hole please. Quite the contrast between how I started my day and how the kids started theirs. No wonder Jesus said
"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

Thank you Lord for the blessing of this day

Do you need a mulligan?

Monday, August 17, 2009

On the fringe...

When I was in Jamaica a few weeks ago, we ate at a cool restaurant named "The Ruins." They had a sizable waterfall that was the centerpiece of this outdoor establishment. After we ate we walked up to the top of the waterfall and I saw this...

These are some sort of hard-shelled something that fell from trees surrounding the waterfall. The peculiar thing was that these shells were in an alcove and were being grouped together by the pressure of the passing water. They were stuck on the fringe. They all came from the same source but these few had been pulled into perpetuity.

If they could just break free from the torrent of the passing water - if the water would just stop running - if they could just work together and use their collective strength - if some big stick or other debris would show up and maybe dislodge them - if one shell would just move a little to the right - then they might be freed from their hopeless situation. But, there they remain - in perpetuity.

Do you ever feel like these shells? Ever feel like you are stuck in perpetuity of a hopeless situation - trapped by the pressure of the world rushing by? Pinned down by the regret and shame of decisions you have made in your life? Maybe being blocked by someone else who is keeping you from reaching your goals? If only the water would just stop - if only someone else would come and dislodge me - if only this group surrounding me would move a little to the right - then I can be free.

"...If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:31-36)
We all come from the same source but our decisions can separate us from the same destination. Thanks to Jesus we are not left in a perpetual condition of uncertainty. We may find ourselves trapped by the torrent of this world, but we do not have to stay trapped. There is not only hope but certainty.

Are you abiding in the Word? Are you on the fringe of making a change?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hand me the pliers...

I am drawn to people who embody wisdom. I want to say and do the right thing at the right time in order to "fix" a situation and I am enamored by those who seem to always have the right words or actions for any situation.

I call this the gift of "the moment."

These are people who, it would seem, bought up all of the right communication tools at Sears and even have Craftsman branded on their tongues.

I, on the other
hand, feel at times like the Snap-On Tool guy who needs a particular sized socket but then finds that very one is missing from his socket holder.

So, I reach for the pliers instead and end up stripping the nut because the pliers aren't made for the job and don't grab effectively.

I want to learn from those who possess and use this gift of "the moment."
"Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and the one who waters will himself be watered." Proverbs 11:25
What's in your tool box?