Monday, April 27, 2009
Lessons from an Acorn
I watched him as he picked up the shell. He studied it so closely trying to figure out what it was or was supposed to be. He rolled it over and over in his hand, prodding it with his tiny index finger.
"It's an acorn shell, buddy."
Jackson loves to explore the outdoors but what little boy doesn't?
Taking it in my hand I began to explain, "See, this is the house where a seed lives. God takes this little seed, plants it in the ground, and from this little seed that big tree grows."
I can see from his blank stare that he is taking it all in (or wondering why his dad is trying to explain tree taxonomy to a 2 year old).
I can't help but think about how God can take something so seemingly insignificant and nurture and grow it into a towering tree - a tree that can provide shelter for the birds, food for the critters, and food for a host of other creepy crawlies.
But that is how God works. He chooses people who may seem insignificant in the eyes of society and raises them up for something special.
In the Master Craftsman's hands he will nurture, grow, and form us into someone with great possibilities who can provide a blessing to many others. We just have to let Him.
My little acorn is growing way too fast.
1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dusty Swords
One of Casting Crowns' best songs (they have so many) is called "What If His People Prayed." A line in the song goes:
What if the armies of the Lord picked up and dusted off their swords.What if the church of God was active in this world because they truly believed that God was going to hold them accountable for what they did or did not do for others? Would the world look any different?
Vowed to set the captive free and not let Satan have one more?
What if those who claim to be Christian actually lived their lives like Christ lived his? What would our relationships look like?
What if God's people prayed - I mean intentionally and continually prayed for those who are in charge of this country? What would our communities look like?
Have you convinced yourself that you are doing all you can do?
The results of indifference can be seen on every newscast, in every newspaper, and heard on every radio station. The results can also be seen in the implosion of families and communities around the world.
The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4:12-13)
If the Word of God is going to be active in our lives then I just have one question to answer:
Isn't it time we dusted off our swords?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Home Security
I was pulling Callie around in the wagon when Tressa called me over to the flower bed. Jackson is standing in front of our ADT Security sign----praying: "...momma-daddy-sissy-nana-poppa-Ty-Tanner-Shan-Jeff-mema..." Tressa said he has been going straight to that sign when they go outside. Sometimes he speaks into the black rubber stopper on the top of the signpost. Apparently, that is his podium. Sometimes he will lead a song from there.
- Every day I wonder how much is getting through to him when we battle over taking a bite of corn or chewing up his meat or drinking all of his milk.
- I worry about saying the right thing in correcting him so that I do not come across as tyrannical.
- I worry about how much time I am away at school and then having to study. (Not because his mother does not do an outstanding job with our children because she does!).
In the paths of the wicked lie thorns and snares, but he who guards his soul stays far from them.Then I thought "how ironic" that a home security sign was the spiritual training ground for our child. That is what I call some real "home security."Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Let me always remember the most important things, like teaching my children how to talk to their God who made them so special and full of possibilities.
Corn is probably overrated any way...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Fold up or fly?
We spend a lifetime interpreting and adjusting to reality. Some face greater challenges than others. At this time of year we are reminded of the inevitabilities: death and taxes. There are some who will be tempted to 'opt out'...of taxes or of life.
It is tiring and challenging to walk the right path, the straight and narrow way, every day. It takes a constant commitment and that can be burdensome. However, Jesus calls us to embrace our personal responsibilities and those of others. Mark 8:34-35
The compassionate King of the Universe is in command. God wants us to learn to cast our burdens on him. The shoulders that were big enough to bear the sins of the world are the only ones capable to carry ours.
God does not offer exhaustive explanation for every experience. He revealed his love and glorious purpose - to conform us into the image of Christ. Romans 12:2
God brought the universe out of nothing - order out of chaos - life out of death - glory out of humiliation. He wants to bring us to wholeness through brokenness.
In a storm a rooster will fold up its wings to hide itself. An eagle, in contrast, will spread its wings and soar above the storm.
Are you a rooster...or an eagle. Isaiah 40:30-31
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What if...
- What if God decided to stop leading us tomorrow because we didn't follow Him today?
- What if God couldn't take the time to bless us today because we couldn't take the time to thank Him yesterday?
- What if we never saw another flower bloom because we grumbled when God sent the rain?
- What if God didn't walk with us today because we failed to recognize it as His day?
- What if God took away the Bible tomorrow because we didn't read it today?
- What if God didn't send His only begotten Son because He wanted us to be prepared to pay the price for sin?
- What if God answered our prayers the way we answer His call to service?
- What if God met our needs the way we give Him our lives?
I do not like to dwell in the "what if's," but I had to stop and think.
"Thank you, Lord, for forgiving me of my selfish ways."
1 John 1:5-9
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Free Blog Seminar
Church Blog Theory –
Engaging the Internet for the Glory of God
- How do we share the message of Christ in the 21st century?
- Can we use digital technology to reach millions? Could social media develop relationships that result in sharing our faith with our community?
- Why aren’t we as the church doing more to engage the world via the internet? Have we hidden our light under a basket? (Ref. Matt. 5:15 NASB) It is time for the church to be the “city on the hill.” Inaction is not an option.
- How do we easily, quickly and effectively have a positive influence on the internet and our community for the glory of God?
Faith Based Blogging
- It is the place where millions of seekers “walk” each day.
- It builds relationships and opens doors for personal evangelism.
- It covers the globe in seconds.
- It is free and easy
- It integrates easily with other mediums of communication.
Church Blog Theory Seminar
Please join us for a free seminar discussing how to use faith based blogging, integrated with other social media, as a strategy to deploy the truth online and develop relationships aimed at sharing Jesus with our community.
Date: Saturday, April 25th, 2009
Location: Harding University, McInteer Room 349
Time: 9am-12noon
Speaker: Ryan Parsons
- 9-9:50 “A Case for Blogging”
- 10-10:50 “Blogging and Evangelism”
- 11-12 “Getting Started” Optional (bring your laptop)
In the sermon this morning, our preacher said:
"The stone wasn't rolled away to let Him out. It was rolled away to let us in to see the tomb was empty."
Praise God!
Matthew 28:2-8
Saturday, April 11, 2009
God's Tatoo
Some cultures encourage tattoos. Many have tribal significance. Other cultures may accept tattoos as simply a pretty decoration. Some use tattoos to make a personal statement. Some cultures frown upon tattoos that are openly visible for all to see.
What is interesting is that God says He had a "tattoo."
The Israelites thought God had forgotten them. Isaiah 49:14
But God says he has not forgotten them. Isaiah 49:15, 16
God doesn't have have physical hands. He uses symbolism to make the point that he does not forget his people.
God had the name of his people written on his palms. Most tattoos are on the side of the arms, on the back, or legs - covered by clothing. But clothing rarely covers the hands. Palms are constantly visible. Whatever is on the palm is a constant reminder.
Is your name written on God's palms?
Or better yet, where have you written God in your life?
Friday, April 10, 2009
Living Beneath Your Privilege
A poor man making his first trip across the ocean took with him a supply of crackers and cheese, thinking it would be too expensive to eat in the ship's dining room. After several days, becoming very tired of the same plain food, he asked the steward how much it would cost to eat one meal at the dining table. Much to his surprise and sorrow he was informed that he had been entitled to eat in the ship's dining room every day without additional charge. He had been living beneath his privilege.
- God wants to be a father to his children. He desires that we use his power.
- He is exceedingly rich in grace, mercy, and love.
- He seeks to fill our hearts with peace
But all of his blessings depend upon our willingness to receive them and use them.
God is actually seeking us day by day and hour by hour, trying to help us and to bring us peace. But we must be willing to let him do so.
Are we trying to solve all of our problems ourselves and living beneath our privileges as children of God?
"We pray to you and call you 'Father'. Help us to live as if we truly believed this. Let us not live beneath this great privilege. Give us proper attitudes and good hearts so we might receive the strength, help, and peace to which we are entitled, and for which Christ gave his life. Receive our prayer in His name...Amen."
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Los Angeles woman sued Kraft Foods, Inc. for fraud and deceptive labeling, claiming that its Kraft Dips Guacamole Dip -- which contains less than 2% avocado -- is misleading consumers.
The plaintiff said she discovered the miniscule amount of avocado in Kraft's guacamole last year when she was made a three-layer dip. "It just didn't taste avocadoey to me," she said. "I looked at the ingredients and found there was almost no avocado in it."
According to the vice president of Kraft Foods' corporate affairs, the company is in the process of re-labeling its guacamole dip to make it more clear to consumers that the dip is merely guacamole-flavored.
How about you? Are your true ingredients hiding behind a label?
- "Nice guy" - just don't listen in on his private conversations.
- "Honest Person" - just don't count the office supplies she has brought home from work.
- "Faithful" - just don't check the website cache on his computer.
- "Trustworthy" - just don't audit their taxes.
- "Rude" - but he just lost his job.
- "Unfriendly" - but she is worried about the test results.
- "Mopey" - but they have been struggling to keep their family together.
Regardless of the label we have, whether self-adhered or assigned, whether situational or permanent, God knows who we really are and eventually our true self will be sifted out of the artificial ingredients.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Upsize Down
(Oooh. That's a good deal. I mean, I can get a whole other sandwich for just eighty cents? But, I'm not that hungry and I certainly do not need to eat a footlong. But maybe I'll eat the other pound of trans-fat later when I am studying. However, it does defy the whole " fresh" jingle. Maybe I'll...)
"Sir, would you like to make that a footlong?"
It doesn't matter if it's two ice cream cones for $1, the Biggie Size for only $.49, or the bonus pack of Crest. I can be a sucker for these upsize deals. It goes against all of my Dave Ramsey DNA but sometimes I let the thought of a "deal" overshadow my reason. I end up with too much of something that I really didn't need to begin with.
How is it that I can struggle with whether or not to dole out for the $5 footlong that will only make me feel bloated and regretful but when it comes to Bible study or personal time with God in prayer or meditation I am quick to select from the Value Menu?
"Can I get the $.99 God to Go Pack please?"
"Would you like to upsize that to the full meal deal that comes with family portions of forgiveness, guidance, and love?"
"Oooh, how much more will that cost?"
'No charge to you sir. It's a prepaid deal."
"...I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry. And he who believes in me will never be thirsty." John 6:32ff
Monday, April 6, 2009
When a man crawled out of a cardboard box
Under the E. Street Bridge,
Followed me onto it.
I went out halfway across
With that homeless shadow tagging along
So I dug for some change.
Wouldn't need it anyway.
He took it lookin' just a bit ashamed.
He said, 'You know I haven't always been this way.
I've had my moments, days in the sun.
Moments I was second to none.
Moments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do.
Like that plane ride coming home from the war
That summer my son was born.
And memories like a coat so warm
A cold wind can't get through.
Lookin' at me now you might not know it
But I've had my moments.'
'In every person's life, there have been moments, both positive and negative, that have defined and redefined who they are. Those events entered your consciousness with such power that they changed the very core of who and what you thought you were. You were not the same person after that one moment. Although your defining moments may seem trivial to others - you have to remember, if it's shaped you in any way, it's a defining moment.' (Unknown)Your defining moments are the outlines of your life. Too often we allow sin to be THE defining moment in our life (and the lives of others).
Did God allow sin to be THE defining moment in the history of His creation? No! He put into action a plan to make sure that sin would not have to be THE defining moment in our lives, but rather A defining moment that would reshape us and direct us back toward Him.
Remember, if it has reshaped you in any way it is a defining moment.
Romans 8:1-11
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Camry Guy
Some good-intentioned person stopped their Camry in their lane of traffic to allow a van to turn left in front of them (across two lanes) into the gas station parking lot. As you have already figured out, the far lane of traffic did not see the van turning nor did they expect someone to dart in front of them.
There were several factors involved including:
- The van should not have expected to turn across two lanes of traffic during bumper to bumper rush hour.
- The Toyota should have been driving slower with that many blind spots in traffic.
- The Camry should not have stopped to allow the van to cross.
- "I'll never let someone cross in front of me again."
- "Last time I try to give someone a break."
- "See what happens when you try to help someone?"
I see fewer people who are stepping out to help others because of the fear of repercussions. It seems people can be quick to retaliate if they don't like the help you give or they don't like the results of your help.
The good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) took a chance when he stopped to help a man who had been robbed, beaten, and left for dead. Not only that but a Samaritan was looked down on by the very race to which the injured man belonged.
"What if I myself am attacked?" "What if I am sued for doing the wrong thing?" "What if I am inconvenienced by taking time to do this?" "What if my friends see me helping this guy?"
We take a chance when we reach out to help someone else. We place ourselves in a vulnerable position because they can reject, accept, take advantage of , or resent the help we extend. Jesus said we are to love our neighbor just like and as much as we love ourselves (Mark 12:30-31).
Jesus helped others and his efforts got him arrested, beaten, and executed. He didn't consider what might happen if he helped. He considered what might happen if he didn't (Luke 9:22-25).
Thanks, Camry guy, for wanting to do the right thing. Don't let what happened keep you from helping someone else.
Friday, April 3, 2009
It seems that my plate has been "in service" for eight years or more and that warrants the replacement. I don't want to give up my plate. It has significance to me. I have it memorized. It has been on three different vehicles all of which represent an important stage in my life. AND, I can easily recognize it in the Wal-Mart parking lot.
What in your life needs to be replaced? What has been hanging around for too long? Bad attitude? Resentment? Fear? Pornography? Violence? Apathy? Greed? Self-doubt? Self-Pity? (insert yours here)?
If you are ready for a voluntary replacement I would like to offer some suggestions:
And that's no kicker.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
sore athirst
In the Bible, the seventh book from the front is called Judges. There is a story in chapter fifteen about Samson who judged Israel for 20 years. You probably have heard about the whole "Samson and Delilah" incident (Judges 16). With God's help, Samson actually ripped a jawbone out of a donkey and killed 1000 men who were enemies of God. In all that God did for Samson, the only thing Samson could think about was how thirsty he was. I like the King James rendition which says "sore athirst." But in Eugene Peterson's The Message Judges 15:18 reads,
I woke up this morning able to get out of bed.
"Thank you God for my health and ability to leave the house?" Nope.
"I hope I am not late for class!"
My children are healthy, laughing and playing in the living room.
"Thank you God for my beautiful children and the blessing of getting to hear them playing?" Nope.
"Jackson, I told you not to...!"
I stuffed myself on spaghetti for dinner tonight.
"Thank you God that I still have a job and get payed?" Nope.
"Did you eat the last brownie?!"
Samson had just won a great victory over a bad people.
However, in a moment of self-focus, Samson called out to God for deliverance once again. And you know what? God "opened up the hollow place in Lehi, and water came out of it. When Samson drank, his strength returned and he revived." (Judges 15:19, NIV).
It is easy for me to judge Samson (no pun intended) on his character flaws and his disregard for the One from whom all of his successes came. But I, too, have been sore athirst. I have found myself calling out to God once again for deliverance, taking advantage of His loving nature. And you know what? Time and time again he has sent me relief. He has returned my strength and revived me. It may not be what I expect nor when I expect it. But I have found Him faithful and just. That makes me want to be a better person. I want to honor Him.